Evolution: Addressing Falsehoods, Explaining Basics

1 comment:

  1. You seem like one of the reasonable people you ask others to be. Your refutations, however, include a number of strawman arguments, that even I have never heard of. While I would agree that those arguments are ridiculous, they are not the crux of the difficulty with evolution theory. It is nice that you want to confine the argument to only what happens to life after it "arises" by some unspecified means. That would be fine if the indoctrinary texts that we learn in schools did the same. It is an avoidance, but it is not, in fact, what evolution theory claims. The vague illustration of the peppered moths is used here also without indicating that the experiments have been falsified, and you start with moths and end with moths. Variation within a kind is not what evolution theory extrapolates the data to mean. Thanks for being pleasant, if incomplete. Many tenets of evolution have been discarded for falseness or lack of evidence but remain in science text books. We should start with removing the false information that we PAY to indoctrinate our kids with, before we worry about what is said by some kook who doesn't educate our kids. I'll meet you there.
